Message: Hi there, Can you send me a spec sheet on the 2 H/W Heat Exchangers please. I would like to understand plow rates and kW flow rate profiles. I would also like to know operating pressures, as I am thinking of integrating low pressure systems to a mains pressure hot water systems. ie Take low pressure water and heat mains pressure H/W. Also, can you give me a rough cost to ship to NZ, both air and courier for a test unit. I can pay direct via a Cdn VISA Regards, Ron Theaker M/Dir DSH Solar Heating www.dshh.info
Dated on : 05-28-2012
Replies :
Hi Ron, All technical information on both styles of our heat exchangers are available on both our websites www.solartubs.com and www.nlsolarheating.com. Please go to solar heat exchangers section and click on the item another page will open up details. We will send you shipping costs on both styles of heat exchangers to your address in New Zealand. Thank-you Alan Anderson Northern Lights Solar Solutions #20 305 McKay Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2G 0N5 Canada 1-800-317-9054 ext. 226 e-mail [email protected] www.nlsolarheating.com www.solartubs.com
Post By : Alan Anderson Dated On : 05-28-2012
HI Ron, UPS costs to your Address in New Zealand is $112.00 Canadian Funds Thanks Alan
Post By : Alan Anderson Dated On : 05-28-2012